Noise Immission Protection

In view of the high population density and the steadily increasing volume of traffic, numerous citizens feel burdened by noise emissions.
The most important tasks include the prediction and assessment of noise as well as the design of effective protective measures - if possible in the early planning phases when planning traffic routes, construction areas and commercial facilities. We provide the following services in the context of noise pollution control:
• Sound engineering examinations for- roads, railways, high-speed magnetic railways- sports and leisure facilities- development plan procedure- commercial businesses (according to TA noise) - construction sites
• aircraft noise studies
• Planning of noise protection measures
• Implementation of noise protection programs
• airborne sound measurements
• Noise reduction plans
• Noise and conflict maps
• Noise Action Plans

According to § 26 BImSchG, we are an officially recognized measuring point and, in addition to suitable calculation programs, we have the appropriate equipment for acoustic measurements.